miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Diving with Turtles @ Tobago Cays, Grenadines

oh men, amazing swimming&diving just a cote of the turtles. Little little cute ones. Then bigger ones feeding theirselves with the seamoss and all! just a few cm from myself! With a perfect vision from swimming pool gogles and elevating my head out of the water like the turtles..everything could be seen.
The ride was funny. The sea a bit wavy but nothing compared to the rough ones from Dominica to Martinique or from St. Lucia to Martinique. Always after the music festivals. I just replied him when he asked me if I was afraid that I have done it already several times, in Caribbean waters too >P
I met a bit deeper my new friend Maxine, who was born just a week after me!!
Astrological things apart, she had seen more world than I, in the sense..already mother of 2 children, of ages 6 and 4. I like she talked to eeeeverybody she came across without any prejudge. Part of the caribbean culture -doing my best on it).
The Swiss couple also did a similar tour, but in a catamaran with the tipical old french grou. I didnt see any point on joining them, starting for supporting a local guy, going with a local girl through each island and best of all, it's me who sets the time, not others. This is fundamental. Oh, and price even better than the Cata. Had enough with the cata trips mentioned at the start haha
Furthermore, we stopped at Mayreau and Palm Island. So...6 for the price of one arquipelago!!

video: Petit Bateau, Tobago Cays

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